
Be The Saviour

welcome to Prandata

randatA is all about Blood donation and information regarding blood donation and blood facts.Here we hold all necessary details of voluntary blood donors.The user can simply visit the site(no need of any registration or loginID) and can grab the details of the donors matching their requirement.
So be a Blood Donor,be someone's Hero.If you want to save a life by donating little of your blood then just enroll your details as a blood donor and we will approach you during the blood crisis. If you want to enroll your details please click on BE A DONOR.
Are you in need of Blood???Then you can just click on DONOR LIST for the details of the voluntary blood donors.
If you are in blood crisis or need of a blood group which you couldn't find in this site,then you can post a blood request by clicking on BLOOD REQUEST.
You can also send your details in the form of an SMS to the Phone no. given below.


CONTACT US: +91 9966241155 /9951992959


SWINE FLU is spreading its dark wings again all over the world.Many people losed their lives due to this virus attack.So now its very important to know about it exactly to protect ourselves and people around us.So here i go with some info thah can helf you out in this season.
(click on the topic below)


Doing little things can go a long way to having a cool summer. Below, you'll find some tips to help you and your family find ways to have a great Summer.

  • Drink plenty of water. It is very important to drink water. Your body needs water to prevent dehydration during warm summer days. Take special care to make sure infants and toddlers drink enough water. They can become dehydrated much more easily than adults.
  • If you have asthma or other respiratory problems, keep a careful watch on the daily air quality reports.
    Also, don't forget to take your inhaler or other medication with you when you go out.
  • Take a rest or nap. Don't push yourself beyond your physical limits.
  • Wear Sunscreen. Sunburn is painful and unhealthy. Use a sunscreen that is right for your skin.
  • Stay Cool. Wear light, loose-fitting clothing to help you stay cooler.
  • Wear Sunglasses. Sunglasses protect your eyes from the sun's UV rays.
  • Maintain your energy level by limiting your intake of fat and sugar; focus on carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.
  • Before leaving for vacation pack a few items (calamine lotion, baking soda) that will help with itchy or painful insect bites.
  • If you have allergies and plan to be traveling/vacationing, find out which plants will be pollinating in your vacation spot.

  • Blood Banks In Visakhapatnam

    Here we come up with the address and route maps of various
    Blood Banks in Visakhapatnam.Providing you a minimum
    information to reach the place during the times of need...


    Its all about AIDS

    A . I . D . S

    This is the word that still many of us may feel shy to utter...
    How many of us really aware about AIDS???atleast the full form...???

    AIDS-Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

    HIV-Human Immune Virus

    U know that HIV is not equal to AIDS?
    It is only growing n spreading big not only because of infection but
    due to lack of AWARENESS...

    Here we come up with complete info about HIV/AIDS
    Here we hope atleast a single person wil be aware by our small effort.

    click below for the info regarding...



    Teen's Health

    Are you a teenager???Then here comes a post essentially for u...

    comes from the Latin word meaning to grow to maturity. Adolescence is a very important period in one’s life as one goes through many changes–physical as well as mental, which have short–term and long term effects. At this time in their life, teens are also very vulnerable.

    Here we come up with...(click on the topic)


    Don't Ignore

    Ten Myths about Sex

    Conscious Teens

    Teenager Psychosocial Development

    Skin Care

    Hair Care

    Dental Care

    First Aid

    It is the responsibility of every person to have knowledge of First Aid. It is a human instinct to help other person in pain or after injury. Importance of First Aid has been growing day by day. First Aid is given to people who had an accident or has sudden illness and who cannot obtain medical help instantly.

    The main aim of First aid is to

    • To save life.
    • To promote fast recovery.
    • To prevent the aggravation of the victim’s situation.
    The features of a rescuer are as follows
    • He has to reach the victim in time and save him.
    • He has to be keep himself calm, careful and fast in action.
    • To have the knowledge of the injury and its nature.
    • Know how to carry out the first aid measures and give appropriate treatment.
    • Shift the victim to the nearby hospital and show him to a qualified doctor.

    Bone Marrow Transplantation

    Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is a special therapy for patients with cancer or other diseases which affect the bone marrow. A bone marrow transplant involves taking cells that are normally found in the bone marrow (stem cells), filtering those cells, and giving them back either to the patient or to another person. The goal of BMT is to transfuse healthy bone marrow cells into a person after their own unhealthy bone marrow has been eliminated.

    Bone marrow transplantation is not yet a standard treatment therapy, but has been used successfully to treat diseases such as leukemias, lymphomas, aplastic anemia, immune deficiency disorders, and some solid tumor cancers since 1968.

    continue reading...

    1 donation = 3 lives

    Most donated blood is separated into its components—plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets—before being stored. This allows the blood of a single donor to be used for several patients who have different needs. Blood is separated by means of centrifugation, a process in which the blood is rapidly spun so that the heavier blood cells and platelets separate out from the lighter plasma.

    Plasma, the liquid part of blood, can be dried into a powder or frozen. Fresh frozen plasma and freeze-dried preparations containing clotting factors are used to treat patients with hemophilia. Hemophilia is an inherited disorder in which certain clotting factors are missing in the blood, resulting in excessive bleeding. Concentrated red blood cells are used to transfuse patients with anemia, a condition in which the blood contains an insufficient number of red blood cells. White blood cells and platelets are used for transfusions in patients who have a deficiency of these components in their blood.

    Are you in need of BLOOD???In times of blood crisis contact Admin @ 9966241155